Monday, 15 August 2022

Milestone albums and music influences

In my opinion, there are albums and singles that are pop fluff and fun but really, after a month or two, just fade away only to be remembered on the occasional Now compilation or a retro playlist on your phone. Probably created or downloaded an age ago, and forgotten until you press shuffle. 

But then there are those songs, those albums, those bands which last, which resonate, the opening bars of which take you somewhere. A holiday, a first date, a gig, of someone or something or just a feeling. Something that lasts, that influences - the game changers. 

We all know there are those all time greats - U2, The Beatles, Oasis, The Rolling Stones etc... Without dispute the gods of rock and roll. There are bands though, who will never make the Halls of Fame, but for us individually have some meaning, some way of anchoring us, or harboring that emotion they evoked at the time.